Monday, 7 June 2021

Autonomy Of Tech: A brief Understanding

Autonomous technologies leading to autonomous things are topics of hot discussion in the contemporary world, especially in 2021. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you heart the term ‘autonomous tech or autonomous things’? it is undoubtedly ‘self-driving vehicles’. 

However, the concept of autonomous things is very diversified and today you find a wide array of other ‘things’ which are in use in various industries such as autonomous robots and even drones-which are used by militaries and meteorological departments of various countries of the world.

Now the question is: how does an industry benefit from the proliferation of automation tech or innovation of items which can be labelled as autonomous things? With partial automation, many industries have been able to mange task with 100 percent precision which had earlier required intense human input. These technological innovations are leading our way to full automation, which can increase the productivity of any industry by many-folds and will also eliminate human-based errors and other issues. This is because of cognitive reasoning.

Here is a short list of industries where this technology or some variants of this tech has been used or is in use:

-research and development

The most significant learning from this is that we are moving towards the 5th industrial revolution which will be enabled by Autonomy. And it is not just industry which shall be revolutionized but also governance. Imagine the application of autonomous things in traffic control and management, imagine the use of the same in law enforcement and security. The results are simply impeccable to even imagine.